Prolog and Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains
I like Prolog and in these days I have studied the library CLP(FD).
For instance it is easy to write a simple code for solving “How many men and horses have 8 heads and 20 feet?”. You write the rules and contraints and Prolog will find the solution for you
men_and_horses(Men, Horses):-
Men in 0..10,
Horses in 0..10,
Men + Horses #= 8, %% heads must be 8
Men * 2 + Horses * 4 #= 20. %% feet must be 20
?- men_and_horses(Men, Horses).
Men = 6,
Horses = 2.
“clp(fd) is useful for solving a wide variety of find values for these variables problems. Here are some broad categories of problems that clp(fd) can address:
- Scheduling problems, like, when should we do what work in this factory to make these products?
- Optimization problems, like which mix of products should we make in this factory to maximize profits?
- Satisficing problems, like finding an arrangement of rooms in a hospital that meets criteria like having the operating theater near the recovery rooms, or finding a set of vacation plans the whole family can agree on.
- Sequence problems, like finding a travel itinerary that gets us to our destination.
- Labeling problems, like Sudoku or Cryptarithm puzzles
- …. " [See what_is_clp_fd_good_for]