DevOps Tableau Cloud - managing tableau cloud resources with OpenTofu / Terraform



OpenTofu (a Terraform fork, community-driven and managed by the Linux Foundation) is an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that allows you to define, provision, and manage infrastructure as code. Terraform can be used to manage a wide range of infrastructure resources, including Tableau Cloud resources.

Here are some of the benefits of using OpenTofu/Terraform to manage Tableau Cloud resources:

Consistency: Terraform allows you to define your infrastructure in a consistent and repeatable way. This can help to reduce errors and improve the overall quality of your infrastructure.

Automation: Terraform can be used to automate the deployment and management of your Tableau Cloud resources. This can save you time and effort, and it can also help to improve the reliability of your infrastructure.

Version control: Terraform allows you to version control your infrastructure configuration. This means that you can track changes to your infrastructure over time and easily roll back to previous versions if necessary.

To get started with OpenTofu/Terraform, you will need to install the OpenTofu/Terraform CLI tool. Once you have installed the OpenTofu/Terraform CLI, you can create a new Terraform configuration file. Terraform configuration files are written in a language called HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL).


Below I’ll show how to create some Tableau groups, users and projects.

Create a folder and inside the following files:


terraform {
    required_providers {
	tableau = {
	    source = "GtheSheep/tableau"
	    version = "0.0.17"


provider "tableau" {
    server_url = ""
    server_version = "3.13"
    site           = "redaelli"


resource "tableau_group" "group_developer" {
    provider = tableau
    name     = "developer"
    minimum_site_role = "Creator"


resource "tableau_user" "matteo-redaelli" {
    provider = tableau
    auth_setting = "ServerDefault"
    name  = ""
    email = ""
    full_name = ""
    site_role = "Viewer"

resource "tableau_group_user" "group_developer_user_matteo-redaelli" {
    provider = tableau
    group_id = "${}"
    user_id  = "${}"


resource "tableau_project" "project_crm" {
    provider = tableau
    name     = ""
    description = "CRM projects"
    parent_project_id = ""
    content_permissions = "ManagedByOwner"

resource "tableau_project" "project_crm_sales" {
    provider = tableau
    name     = "CRM Sales"
    description = "CRM Sales"
    parent_project_id = "${}"
    content_permissions = "ManagedByOwner"

Now you can create your resources with

tofu init
tofu plan -out myplan
tofu apply myplan


Enter your instance's address

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