Howto unlock Alice Gate VoIP router


Following the suggestions from I unlocked my Pirelli Broadband Solutions / Telecom Italia Alice Gate VoIP router agpf_4.5.2 with the following steps 1) downloading the backdoor tool (for linux and windows) 2) generating the payload using the mach address of my router

matteo@debian:~/backdoor_agpf_4.5.2$ ./backdoor 18:12:2S:E1:A1:B1

  1. sending the payload to my router with the linux command (p=XXX where XXX is the payload previously generated)

mz -v eth0 -d 0 -t ip “proto=255,p=3a:b8:69:57:b6:6c:2a:a1”

 After these few steps I was able to login via telnet to my router with the account admin/riattizzati and going on… admin-menu

Enter your instance's address

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