About Cayley a scalable graph database
This is fast tutorial of using the Caylay graph database (with MongoDB as backend): Cayley is “not a Google project, but created and maintained by a Googler, with permission from and assignment to Google, under the Apache License, version 2.0”
- download and unzip a binary distribution
- edit cayley.cfg
"database": "mongo",
"db\_path": "cayley.redaelli.org:27017",
"read\_only": false,
"host": ""
- ./cayley init -config=cayley.cfg
- ./cayley http -config=cayley.cfg -host=“” &
- create a file demo.n3
"/user/matteo" "is\_manager\_of" "/user/ele" .
"/user/matteo" "has" "/workstation/wk0002" .
"/user/matteo" "lives\_in" "/country/italy" .
- upload data with: curl http://cayley.redaelli.org:64210/api/v1/write/file/nquad -F NQuadFile=@demo.n3
- or: ./cayley load –config=cayley.cfg -quads=demo.n3
- query data with: curl –data ‘g.V("/user/matteo").Out(null,“predicate”).All()’ http://cayley.redaelli.org:64210/api/v1/query/gremlin
"result": \[
"id": "/workstation/wk0002",
"predicate": "has"
"id": "/country/italy",
"predicate": "lives\_in"
"id": "/user/ele",
"predicate": "is\_manager\_of"